Saturday 14 September 2013

Europe 2013


I recently travelled for ten days to France, Italy, Austria, Germany and The Netherlands with some mates. I took two film cameras and about seven rolls of film. I chose the black and white format after being inspired by the work of Don McCullin and early Martin Parr as well as Bill Brandt and Eugene Smith. I have only developed some of the rolls so London, Paris, Nice, Antibes, Verona, Milan and Amsterdam are missing. These photographs were taken in Innsbruck, Munich and Berlin.

Olympiapark München | Olympiapark München

Olympiapark München | Munich City Center

Olympiapark München | Olympiapark München

Chinesischer Turm | Chinesischer Turm

Chinesischer Turm | Chinesischer Turm

Olympiapark München | Olympiapark München

Olympiapark München | Olympiapark München

Fernsehturm | Olympiapark München

Neue Nationalgalerie | Neue Nationalgalerie

Neue Nationalgalerie | Neue Nationalgalerie

Holocaust-Mahnmal | Checkpoint Charlie

Holocaust-Mahnmal | Holocaust-Mahnmal

Holocaust-Mahnmal | Holocaust-Mahnmal

Patscherkofel | Patscherkofel

Patscherkofel | Patscherkofel

Patscherkofel | Patscherkofel

Patscherkofel | Patscherkofel

Patscherkofel | Patscherkofel

Patscherkofel | Patscherkofel

Patscherkofel | Patscherkofel

Patscherkofel | Patscherkofel

Patscherkofel | Patscherkofel

Patscherkofel | Patscherkofel

Patscherkofel | Patscherkofel

Patscherkofel | Patscherkofel

Patscherkofel | Patscherkofel

Patscherkofel | Patscherkofel

Patscherkofel | Patscherkofel

Patscherkofel | Patscherkofel

Patscherkofel | Tyrol Observatory

Patscherkofel | Patscherkofel

Sunday 30 June 2013

Foundation Art & Design final major project exhibition, 'The Instrument'

FMP exhibition piece
The Instrument

This final piece was the result of a ten week project looking into the way people connect with objects, especially those of sentiment. During this project I photographed the owners of cars, amateur chefs' favourite dishes, dog walkers and garden owners, amongst others, and began to build up a record of peoples tastes and personal histories. My final series of shoots described the connection we have with our musical instruments, with preliminary shots of electric guitars and bass' as well as the french horn, grand piano and banjo which were used for the final exhibition.

– We were required to write a short statement describing to the viewer what the work was about. This was presented next to my final prints.

– Hatti Bailey, French Horn

– The location of this shoot was Hayesfield Girls school in Bath. I chose this location as it had beautiful halls which offered interesting features and sufficient light.

– The school was also the location of the model's orchestral rehearsal.

– Hugh Rayner, Old Time Banjo

– Peter Blackwood, Grand Piano.

– Invitation to the private view.

– The final prints, which were mounted onto Foamex, in their position on the wall. One week before the private    view the roof above my space leaked and the rain water came down the wall, causing the wooden board which was fixed to the wall to warp. Fortunately the prints were undamaged but the warped board meant I had to build one of the sections out as the college refused to fix the leaking roof.

– Me and my mum, private view night.